Arya Peachtree - Perennial Properties

Strategy, Branding, UX/UI, Signage

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The sleek modern residences located in a highly walkable area of Buckhead needed a name as interesting and eclectic as the demographic. It needed to stay true to the style of the homes and be something that folks in the area will be happy to call home.

After some discussion and research, the marketing team from Perennial decided on the name Arya Peachtree inspired by the HBO show Game of Thrones. The free spirit and adventurous nature of the character Arya set the tone. The logo is minimal, but strong enough to be used in many different marketing touchpoints. The color palette uses warm earth tones. The tagline Epic Residences is another reference to Arya's adventures. I animated the header typography within the website to draw a parallel with the character's many travels. With all of that being said - I kept the brand as subtle nods to the show, not an all out Game of Thrones theme.


My Role

1. Strategic discovery

2. Brand positioning

3. Initial brand execution

4. UX/UI - Web design, custom landing page

5. Art Direction of website build

6. Environmental signage

Project Breakdown

— Need a brand identity that stands out in Buckhead

— Create strong messaging and imagery

— Create a website that invokes user interaction for longer stay times

Arya outdoor decks - east and west views.

Logo color treatment.
Arya building mockup.
Brand mood.
Brand mood.
Brand mood.
Printed stationery set.
Alternate stationery set.
Arya signage mockup.
Homepage design for Arya Peachtree.
Arya website - flat tablet view
